Frequently Asked Questions
How is HEAT funded?
HEAT is funded by contributions from private citizens, energy companies, organizations and corporations. Some citizens donate to HEAT through their utility bill while others make direct donations.
How great is the need for assistance?
Official estimates state that only a fraction of the potentially eligible households receive help. The need is tremendous.
How can I help?
The amount of funds available for distribution depends on the generous donations of private citizens, organizations, and businesses. You can help your fellow Georgians by donating in one of the ways below:
Monthly contributions through utility bills if you are a customer of SCANA Energy, Walton Gas, or any of the following Georgia city utility systems: Adairsville, Claxton, Hartwell, Madison, Perry, Royston, Sylvester, Thomson, Tifton, Toccoa, or Waynesboro.
Round-up donations through your utility bills, if you are a city of Winder utility customer.
Mail contributions to …
HEAT, Inc.
P.O. Box 849
Smyrna, GA 30081
To make a donation online, please visit our donation page.
Are contributions tax deductible?
Yes, contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
How are HEAT funds disbursed?
The Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) distributes the funds through local community action agencies. Eligible individuals apply for assistance at the agency that serves their county. View the Get Help page to find the name and contact information of the agency that serves your area or call HEAT at 678-406-0212, ext. 101. Once an applicant is approved for energy assistance, a check is sent to the energy provider and applied toward the applicant’s account*. If you have questions about how to apply for HEAT funds, call 678-406-0212 or visit the Get Help page. * Energy providers may require customers to call to schedule reconnection of service before energy assistance payment is applied to account.
How much money has been disbursed by HEAT?
HEAT has distributed more than $29 million to nearly 115,000 families since it began in 1983. During the 2021/2022 winter, more than $800,000 was provided in energy assistance.
Who is eligible to receive HEAT funds?
Qualified households must meet guidelines that include income eligibility. Recipients of funds could be a family whose breadwinner is out of a job, an elderly couple trying to get by on a small and fixed income or a widow with small children. Many people across our state need help with heating bills through no fault of their own.
What can HEAT do to help people reduce energy use so their energy bills are smaller?
All HEAT recipients are referred to the state’s weatherization program, if eligible. Also, low-cost or no-cost energy-saving tips are offered on our website to help people conserve energy.
Who monitors HEAT?
The HEAT program is administered under the guidance of a board of directors consisting of volunteer business and consumer leaders from around the state.
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