Help Low Income Families Meet Their Heating Needs

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Energizing the Less Fortunate

For 34 years, the Heating Energy Assistance Team, Inc. (HEAT) has helped low-income families and individuals pay their heating bills. As the oldest statewide fuel fund in Georgia, HEAT provides energy assistance as a joint effort between concerned citizens, businesses and state and local government.
HEAT Success Stories

Hear Arthur Greene’s Story

Could you imagine selling your car to help cover your living expenses? That was the choice Arthur Green faced trying to keep his home warm while living on a fixed income.

In the News

HEAT Partners with AARP to Help Local Seniors

Nonprofits often operate on a tight budget for administrative costs so that more funds can be used to support programs and services that help their target community. For many organizations, that means working twice as hard with a small, fulltime staff. To fulfill...

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